

Vacances à Playa de Palma....


Me voilà de retour de vacances avec plein de souvenirs dans la tête...des vacances superbes qui m'ont permises de bien me reposer, car l'année 2013 va être assez dure pour ma famille et moi.....
Je vous montre quelques photos de mes vacances  à Playa de Palma - Mallorque...

I'm back from vacation with lot of memories in my head ...  superb holidays which allowed me to rest well, because the year 2013 is going to be hard enough for me and my family .....
I show you some pictures of my vacation to Playa de Palma - Mallorca ...

                                           Piscine hôtel Taurus Park - Playa de Palma

                                                 Entrée de l'hôtel

                                                         Accès au restaurant

                                                   Hall d'entrée de l'hôtel

                                          Playa de Palma - La mer

                                          Playa de Palma

                                               La mer


Sabina Pamphili said...

missed you, dear friend, but I understand because SBG sure as heck is quiet. Very quiet. I am so glad to see you took a holiday - well deserved with all the beautiful work you do.
Hugs and love.

Sabina Pamphili said...

missed you, but I can't seem to post a comment on your lovely photos. So glad you went to Mallorca. hugs, hugs.